Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Progress Update 30 May 2017

Having received my first draft photo book back from ‘Blurb’ I posted a copy to my tutor, together with a progress update – this constituted my 6th and final assignment for this course. I’ve now had feedback from him in the form of both a tutor report and a final ‘Skype’ tutorial and I’m very pleased to know that I’m almost finished, with plenty of time to prepare for submission. I can’t believe that after almost 10 years of part-time study, I’ve almost reached the end of my degree course: what will I do with myself afterwards?

The bulk of the feedback concentrated on the design of the photo book. Since I have practically no experience of book design, my tutor’s comments and suggestions in this area were very welcome and much appreciated. These are discussed below, but first I’ll look briefly at the contents of the book.

Book Text and Images

The text and images are fine in their current format. The images (including the new ones) “work harmoniously” and “front and back cover images work well”. I had already planned to correct some technical issues relating to some of the images in the book and I will make these corrections in the next week or two, in order to produce a complete set of images that can go into the final photo book without further alteration. The square format and 50% saturation work, so I will make no changes in this regard. Likewise, the text is fine (as it has been for some time) and could go into the final draft of the book ‘as is’.

However, I will have to make some changes to the text and possibly add more images, in order to accommodate alterations to the design of the book (see below).

Book Design

General Design

·         My tutor felt that the feel and tactility of the book could be considerably improved by losing the gloss cover, although softback (as submitted) was fine. He suggested aiming for the tactile nature of Kennard’s “@earth” book (which I have). As for many of the bullets listed here, he suggested research in the form of looking at and handling a variety of photo books would be invaluable. In the light of these comments I will avoid using gloss on the cover, but will likely switch to a hard cover (as for Kennard’s book) for the final version.

·         He liked the (relatively small) size of the book, making it feel “like a keepsake, or memento”. I had favoured using a slightly larger size (21cm instead of 18cm) for the final version. However, I will probably now retain the original size (if possible), at least for the final draft (see below).

·         The text on the front cover (Times New Roman, bold) was too large and heavy. My tutor also suggested moving the title and author to the bottom of the front cover page, with title aligned left and author aligned right. I’m happy to go along with this, but will consider other options before making a decision.

·         The design, with all photos on the right page, “is classic but works well”.

·         The inside typeface is mismatched: I will alter this.

·         The pages in the draft book were not numbered. There seems little reason to number pages, except for reference purposes if I decide to include explanatory text with my assessment submission. I’ll make a final decision about numbering at a late stage.

Specific Issues

The two biggest issues that I have with regard to the book design are dealt with below.

·         The amount of text that accompanies each image in the book is very variable. On some pages there was so much text that I had to use a smaller font size to accommodate it on a single page. I realised at the time that I would need to do something about this in the final draft of the book, but was hoping that by producing a somewhat larger book I would be able to use the smaller font size throughout and that the text would then be clearly legible. However, my tutor (and I can see his point) felt that I should simply use less text per page, with more space, on every page. This may involve, as he said, “increasing overall size or number of pages”. This leaves me with a significant problem: should I try to remove some sections of text on particularly ‘wordy’ pages in order to produce a roughly consistent amount of text for each page or allow the text to ‘roll over’ onto a second page? In the latter case should I produce additional image montages, use (say) additional Nidderdale landscapes or simply leave the right hand pages adjacent to the ‘roll over’ text blank? Adrian Clarke used a variation on the ‘Nidderdale landscapes’ theme in his book “Gary’s Friends”. This is the one dilemma that remains for me to solve.

·         The one-off ‘graph’ that my tutor and I are both very keen to incorporate into the final book was included in the draft book as a (2:1) ‘letterbox’ sized image across two pages. However, the centre of the graph was, predictably, lost in the guttering. Whilst my tutor has been keen to incorporate the graph as a ‘foldout’, this would be challenging to achieve. I attended a photo book publishers’ fair at the Tate Modern (London) a week ago and had a chat with a knowledgeable gentleman from the “Self-Publish, Be Happy” company. His advice, which I intend to take, was to make the graph the centrefold of a stapled book, when there would be no guttering.

Future Work

I am planning to sort out as many of the outstanding issues relating to the production of a final photo book as I can in the first three weeks of June, before holidays start to eat into my time. My immediate plan of action is to:

·         Make final alterations to the images that I already have, so that they are ready to incorporate in the ‘assessment’ version of my photo book.

·         Make a decision on how to modify the text and whether to produce extra images (see bullet point above) and then carry out the necessary modifications.

·         Make recommended alterations to the cover design.

·         Incorporate the graph as a ‘centrefold’ in the book, once other alterations have been made.

·         Continue researching the design of photo books, then make decisions about the size, tactility, etc. of my final photo book.

·         Research opportunities for self-publishing.

·         Having incorporated all the design alterations, produce a ‘final draft’ template and obtain the book from ‘Blurb’. This book could be used as a ‘fall back’ for assessment if I am unable to produce a stapled, self-published version in time for submission.

I will concentrate on the “last level of experimentation” (self-publishing the photo book, with final alterations) in July and August, prior to submission for assessment. I still plan to produce an accompanying multimedia presentation for assessment (time permitting) and will likewise obtain prints of all the images used in the photo book, during this period. My blog will be developed throughout, until close to submission in September.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Progress Update 2 May 2017

I’ve now received my draft photo book back from ‘Blurb’ and had a good look through it. Overall I’m reasonably happy with the design and feel of the book, although I can see a number of ways in which it can be improved (discussed below). I hope that a further iteration of the book should see me reach the final product. More advice from my tutor will be sought and I am prepared to change, add and/or remove images in order to produce the final version. I’ve actioned some (mainly technical) changes to the current images, but I don’t envisage making more than a tiny number of alterations to the text. The key questions to answer are whether the images in the book work artistically, whether they enhance the emotions invoked by the text, whether they fit together from a stylistic point of view and whether they tell the story of my relationship with my mother in her final years in a way that encourages empathy in the viewer/reader. The front and back covers of the draft (by no means certain to be used in the final product) are shown in the image below.
Covers for Draft Photo Book

There are (mostly) minor technical issues with specific images, which will be rectified if the images are retained, before a final draft is produced. The following general comments can be made.
General Comments on the Photo Book
·         The book (7” square; soft cover) feels too small and lightweight. Ideally I’d like it to be 20-25cm square and have a hard cover. ‘Blurb’ only does 7” and 12” square sizes, so I should research other book-making companies as I think that 12” square is too large.
·         I’m happy with the general presentation (text on the left, images on the right with a full ‘bleed’).
·         There are some issues with images ‘disappearing’ into the spine: these will be addressed for the next (final?) version.
·         Ideally I would like slightly bigger margins around the text.
·         Should the pages be numbered (at the moment they are not)? Numbering (LHS only) might assist the assessors and also help during the preparation of the book, but should not be necessary for the general reader.
·         The shorter passages of text should be placed consistently on each page (Centrally? Near the top?) in the next iteration: at the moment there are some disparities between the pages of text.
·         I have introduced single ‘prologue’ and ‘epilogue’ double pages of an image and corresponding text. These have, together with the main story, been given title pages with faint images of Nidderdale landscapes in the background. I like this idea, but have not yet consulted my tutor about it. Does this idea work?
·         Do I make an effort to separate out the two ‘clinical depression intermission’ double pages (two pages of text, two images) from the main work, relating to my relationship with my mother, which is on either side of this text? Likewise, do I separate out the unique double page graph in some way?
General Comments on the Text
·         I used a ‘Times New Roman’ font for the text (‘Blurb’ doesn’t offer my favoured ‘Calibri’). I’m happy with the font, but still open to alternative suggestions.
·         The font size is consistent on most of the pages but in one or two cases I had to use a smaller font size in order to fit all the text onto a single page. I must ensure that the font size is consistent throughout in the final book, which I could do in the following ways: (a) alter the font size for all the text to the smaller font size – this should read ok in a larger book; (b) reduce the amount of text for the pages where a smaller font size has been used by re-writing the text; (c) split the longer passages of text into two and incorporate additional images. I currently favour the ‘easy’ option (a), but am open to alternatives.
·         I have used ‘justify’ rather than ‘align text left’. This is my preferred option, but I am open to the alternative option if a good argument can be put forward for it.
·         I would like to make the right hand margin slightly larger, so that there is no chance of the text disappearing into the spine of the book in (say) a hard copy edition.
·         I would like to somehow differentiate the two pages of text relating to clinical depression from the rest of the text, since this represents an ‘intermission’ in my story. How do I do this? See also the final bullet of ‘General Comments on the photo book’ above.
General Comments on the Images
·         The images have all (with the exception of the monochrome first image of my mother, taken in 1940, and the final colour image of my mother, taken on her 80th birthday) been produced as 50% saturated. This, together with the square format of the images, benefits consistency of style. Does this format work in book form? I think that it does, but I can change to full colour or modify the saturation level to any degree if necessary.
·         Some images need to be moved a little right (i.e. away from the spine of the book) in order to demonstrate key features, but generally there is no issue with them ‘disappearing’ into the spine of the book in this particular ‘Blurb’ soft cover edition.
·         This minor issue aside, the full bleed appears to work well.
·         Does the design of the new prologue, main title and epilogue pages, using faint images of Nidderdale landscapes as background, work?
·         Some of the images, particularly those in the first half of the book, have printed out a little too dark or light in places. These images will be altered, if they are retained for the final version.
·         Following my tutor’s comments on the set of images that I submitted for my last assignment (Assignment 5) and a reappraisal of the connection between the text, images and the emphasis of the book I have introduced one additional new image, replaced another image, drastically altered a third and made significant modifications to a few others. The artistic and technical content of these images need to be discussed with my tutor, in addition to the points raised above.
Hopefully, once the issues described above have been addressed, I will be in a good position to produce a final photo book. I also intend to produce a multimedia presentation, with video, but will wait until the image set has been finalised before getting round to this.