Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Progress Update 30 August 2016

Some progress on my major project has been made since the last update in June, despite a variety of interruptions for holidays, etc. I have looked through the 27 image ‘sketches’ that I submitted for Assignment 2. Five have been rejected and 21 have been revised, whilst one awaits a major revision. Revising the sketches has ranged from making one or two minor alterations to a complete overhaul of the sketch and has been based on tutor comments, as well as my own feelings about the subject matter and how it relates to the accompanying text. I have produced three new sketches and have plans to produce five more before I submit for Assignment 4 at the end of September. For consistency I have produced all the revised sketches in colour and each consists of a blend of two or more images, one or more being contemporary and one or more archival (from the time when my mother was alive).

Following feedback from my tutor and our discussion relating to the second and third assignments I have decided to concentrate on producing a photo book as the major output from my project work, although I still intend to produce prints, as well as a multimedia or video presentation, for assessment. My thoughts about what style and format to use for the book varies from week to week, but my current plans are as follows:

  • ·    The book will probably contain 40-50 images, including (doubtless following further revisions and replacements) the 30 or so that I will have produced as sketches by the end of September.

  • ·         All the images will accompany a page of text, although there will be more images than pages of text.

  • ·         I will split the book up into four or five ‘chapters’.

  • ·    I am considering dealing with the subject of clinical depression as a separate chapter, and producing a set of images to accompany the text. This is problematical, as I have never knowingly suffered from clinical depression, but I would like to give this a try. I already have ideas for a number of image sketches, which would likely be a blend of two or more contemporary images.

  • ·       I intend to format the book with text on the left hand page, followed by an odd number (1, 3, 5…) of images, each occupying a separate page. I am going to have to re-order some passages of text and images in order to place them in the relevant chapter and will also write some new text to accompany the new images. I will do this before submission for Assignment 4 and will produce a ‘mock-up’ book, with text accompanying images, for the assignment. This book will be incomplete, with more text and images to be added later. If the format doesn’t look right it should be easy to change, say to a ‘single chapter’ book, with text accompanying each image, or to a totally different format. The book is sure to evolve as the project reaches its final stages and my tutor has even suggested that I could split it into more than one book, although I think that I will need many more images than planned for this to be a sensible option.

Project-related research continues apace and I have studied in some detail the work of Cindy Sherman, Jim Mortram and Adrian Clarke since the last update in June (see this blog for further details). Adrian Clarke’s book ‘Gary’s Friends’ was particularly relevant, both in terms of linking images with text to produce an emotional response and in terms of formatting a photo book with accompanying text. I’m looking at the work of Sophie Calle at present and have lots of other artists (many suggested by my tutor!) still to investigate.

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